How Increased Conversion Rate by 2% with One Line of Code [Webinar]

May 1, 2019 Webinar
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After spending millions of dollars annually to bring traffic to their website learned that 20% of their site visitors were being met with unauthorized product ads injected into their browsers and devices. These invasive disruptions, a phenomenon known as Customer Journey Hijacking, effectively commandeer the intended journey for these customers — and a fifth of’s digital marketing investment.

Patrick Berry, senior director of technology at, and his team were determined to find a solution that would eliminate these disruptions from interrupting their optimized customer experience and improve their conversion rate.

Last week, Patrick led our live webinar along with Ellie Tamari, Customer Hijacking Prevention Advocate at Namogoo, sharing how he first discovered that injected ads were hijacking visitors to and how one simple line of code removed these disruptions and boosted their conversation rate by over 2 percent.

Missed the live webinar? We’ve got you covered.

Download the on-demand webinar to find out how has lifted eCommerce conversion by solving one hidden customer experience problem. In this webinar, Patrick and Ellie will:

  • Define Customer Journey Hijacking and how it’s affecting eCommerce businesses
  • Explain how Machine Learning technology leverages thousands of data points to detect and block invasive content from spreading
  • Demonstrate how implementing disruptive technology improves your company’s revenue, brand equity, and other key sales funnel metrics
  • Share the surprise discovery revealed about their customers after blocking unauthorized injections

Make your journeys unstoppable